CaseNotes Django Upgrade

Posted on Mon 13 December 2021 in Python

CaseNotes is a clinical client note and administrative system which I've built for a client and maintain on an ongoing basis, it's built with python, django, bootstrap and django rest api (for the iOS app for carers to access when on the go). It handles client confidentiality, billing and a few other things as well.

With the latest django update, it's a good time to do some maintaince and get CaseNotes upgraded to ensure it's still easily maintainable.

First thing to do is switch to correct virtual envrionment (assuming you use mkvirtualenv!)

workon casenotes

Upgrade to latest django

pip install django

No breaking changes! Excellent!

I'll then run through the site to do some sanity testing, I usually do the following...

  • create a new note
  • create a new client
  • assign the new client to an employee
  • create a report for a webview and generate a pdf report
  • check a report on the billing side, do the sums to check that it adds up manually

Once no more package upgrades needed I'll then create new requirements.txt by doing

pip freeze > requirements.txt

And finally I'll run the unit tests by running this command

python test

At the point all thats left to do is commit the changes and work out when suits the client to deploy!